journal papers
Ciuffreda, I., Amabili, G., Casaccia, S., Benadduci, M., Margaritini, A., Maranesi, E., Marconi, F., De Masi, A., Alberts, J., de Koning, J., Cuijpers, R., Revel, G.M., Nap, H.H., Vastenburg, M.H., Villaverde, N., Bevilacqua, R., Design and Development of a Technological Platform Based on a Sensorized Social Robot for Supporting Older Adults and Caregivers: GUARDIAN Ecosystem. Int J of Soc Robotics (2023). [pdf (open access)]
Karen Kotten-Lips, Femke de Graaf Spikmans, Marian de van der Schueren, Martijn Vastenburg, Anja de Kruif (2022) Wat kan digitale voedingscoach LIZ bij kwetsbare ouderen thuis betekenen in de dieetbehandeling? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Voeding & Diëtetiek (NTVD). [final version]
Sonja van Oers, Kadian Davis-Owusu, Natalia Romero Herrera, Martijn Vastenburg, Marije Verwijs, Lieve van Brakel, Ivy Beeren, Marte Holtkamp, Sietske Helder, Anita Vreugdenhil, Marian de van der Schueren (2019) Foodsampler: de context als onderdeel van voedingsinnameregistratie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Voeding & Diëtetiek (NTVD). [final version]
Pieter Desmet, Martijn Vastenburg, Natalia Romero (2016) Mood Measurement with Pick-A-Mood: Review of current methods and design of a pictorial self-report scale. Journal of Design Research (JDR). [final version]
Thomas Visser, Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson (2011) Designing to Support Social Connectedness: The Case of SnowGlobe. International Journal of Design 5(3), 129-142. [final version]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson, Huib de Ridder (2009) Considerate Home Notification Systems: A User Study of Acceptability of Notifications in a Living Room Laboratory. Int. J. Human-Computer Studies 67, 814-826. [author version] [final version]
Ingrid Mulder, Yvonne Schikhof, Martijn Vastenburg, Alan Card, Tory Dunn, Andreas Komninos, Marilyn McGee-Lennon, Mark Santcroos, Gabriele Tiotto, Mieke van Gils, Jan-Willem van ‘t Klooster, Annelies Veys, Mohammed Zarifi Eslami (2009) Designing with Care: The Future of Pervasive Healthcare. IEEE Pervasive Computing 8(4), 85-88. [final version]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson, Huib de Ridder (2008) Considerate home notification systems: a field study of acceptability of notifications in the home. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 12(8), 555-566. [author version] [final version]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson, Philip Ross (2007) A user experience-based approach to home atmosphere control. Universal Access in the Information Society 6-01, 1-13. [author version] [final version]
PhD thesis
Martijn H. Vastenburg (2007) Please do not disturb – modeling user experiences for considerate home products. PhD Thesis, Delft University of Technology. [final version]
conference papers
Alexandra Villaverde Naveira , Alexandre de Masi , Katarzyna Wac , Giulio Amabili , Martijn Vastenburg , Janna Alberts, Judith de Koning , Raymond Cuijpers , Christian Lovis (2022) Designing a Social Robot Companion to Support Homecare: Usability Results. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 Jun 29;295:261-264. doi: 10.3233/SHTI220712.
Natalia Romero Herrera, Kadian Davis-Owusu, Sonja Van Oers, Marian de van der Schueren, Janna Alberts, Martijn Vastenburg (2018) FoodSampler: Engaging people to contextualise food behaviour: Mixed methods for monitoring choices and triggers of eating habits. Proc. 12th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, 269-273. [final version]
Tudor Cioara, Ionut Anghel, Dan Valea, Ioan Salomie, Victor Sanchez Martin, Alejandro Marchena, Elisa Jimeno, Martijn Vastenburg (2017) Adaptive Workspace Interface for Facilitating the Knowledge Transfer of Retired Older Adults. Ambient Assisted Living and Enhanced Living Environments: Principles, Technologies and Control, Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier.[final version]
Xiaoshi Zhang, Martijn Vastenburg, Natalia Romero (2014) Design of a Caregiver Collaboration Tool Using Subtle Group Awareness. Proc. 2nd Eur. Conf. on Design 4 Health, Sheffield, 2013.
Janna Alberts, Martijn Vastenburg, Pieter Desmet (2013) Mood expression by seniors in digital communication: Evaluative comparison of four mood-reporting instruments with elderly users. Proc. 5th Int. Congress of IASDR, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.[final version]
Pieter Desmet, Martijn Vastenburg, Daan van Bel, Natalia Romero (2012) Pick-A-Mood: Development and application of a pictorial mood-reporting instrument. In: Proceedings of 8th International Design and Emotion Conference London 2012. [final version]
Matty Cruysberg, Martijn H. Vastenburg, Pieter Jan Stappers (2012) Family Carebook: A Case Study on Designing Peace of Mind for Family Caregivers. In: P. Novais et al. (Eds.): 3rd International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, Springer AISC 153. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 129-136. [author version][springer website]
Bas Stroomer, Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson (2011) CommunityNet: Mediating Care at the Local Community Level. European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Amsterdam, 2011. In: D. Keyson and B. Kröse (Eds.): AmI 2011, LNCS 7040. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 275-284. [final version]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, Natalia Romero (2011) Experience Tags: Enriching Sensor Data in an Awareness Display for Family Caregivers. In: D. Keyson and B. Kröse (Eds.): AmI 2011, LNCS 7040. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: 285-289. [author version]
Thomas Visser, Martijn H. Vastenburg, David Keyson (accepted) Just Saying ‘Hi’ Means a Lot: Designing Subtle Interactions for Social Well-Being. European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Amsterdam, 2011.
Martijn H. Vastenburg, Natalia Romero Herrera, Daan van Bel, Pieter Desmet (2011) PMRI: Development of a Pictorial Mood Reporting Instrument. CHI ’11: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts Proceedings. Vancouver, Canada, May 2011: 2155-2160. [ACM digital library]
Thomas Visser, Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson (2010) SnowGlobe: The Development of a Prototype Awareness System for Longitudinal Field Studies. Proceedings of DIS 2010. Aarhus University, August 2010, 426-429. [author version] [ACM digital library]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, Natalia Romero Herrera (2010) Adaptive Experience Sampling: Addressing the Dynamic Nature of In-Situ User Studies. ISAmI International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence. Guimaraes, Portugal, 2010. Springer Advances in Soft Computing,Volume 72/2010, 197-200. [author version] [springer website]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, Robbert Vroegindeweij (2009) Designing an Awareness Display for Senior Home Care Professionals. Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence. Salzburg, Austria, November 18-22, 2009. Springer LNCS 5859: 215-224. [author version] [springer website]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, Halldor Fjalldal, Charles A.P.G. van der Mast (2009) Ubi-Designer: A Web-Based Toolkit for Configuring and Field-Testing UbiComp Prototypes. Second International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related To Assistive Environments (PETRA). Corfu, Greece, June 9-13, 2009. [author version] [ACM digital library]
Inaki Merino Albaina, Thomas Visser, Charles A.P.G. van der Mast, Martijn H. Vastenburg (2009) Flowie: A Persuasive Virtual Coach to Motivate Elderly Individuals to Walk. Proceedings of the 3rd International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare 2009 (PervasiveHealth). London, UK, April 1-3, 2009. [author version] [IEEE Xplore]
Martijn Vastenburg, Thomas Visser, Marieke Vermaas, David Keyson (2008) Designing acceptable assisted living services for elderly users. European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Nuremberg, Germany, November 19-22, 2008. Springer LNCS 5355: 1-12. [author version] [springer website]
Erwin van Veldhoven, Martijn Vastenburg, David Keyson (2008) Designing an Interactive Messaging and Reminder Display for Elderly. European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Nuremberg, Germany, November 19-22, 2008. Springer LNCS 5355. [author version] [springer website]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson, Huib de Ridder (2007) Measuring User Experiences of Prototypical Autonomous Products in a Simulated Home Environment. In: Proceedings of HCI International 2007, July 2007, Beijing, China. Volume 2, LNCS_4551, 998-1007. [author version] [springer website]
Martijn H. Vastenburg (2006) Losing Control in Pro-active Home Environments. Proceedings of First European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context EUROSSC 2006, Enschede, Netherlands. Springer, LNCS 4272, 264-265. [final version]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson, Huib de Ridder (2004) Interrupting People at Home. IEEE 2004 International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 10-13, 2004, The Hague, 59-64. [author version] [final version]
Martijn H. Vastenburg (2004) SitMod: A Tool for Modeling and Communicating Situations. Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Doctoral Colloquim, April 2004, Linz, Austria. [author version]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson (2002) Creating and Modeling the User Experience in a Residential Gateway Environment. MMSA 2002 3rd International Symposium on Mobile Multimedia Systems & Applications, December 6, 2002, Delft. [author version]
conferences (abstract only)
Martijn Vastenburg, Janna Alberts, Judith de Koning, Natasja Ryova, Femke Spikmans, Karen Lips and Marian de van der Schueren (2021) Designing Liz, an embodied digital coach for healthy eating. Supporting Health By Technology International Conference, June 11, 2021. [abstract]
Henk Herman Nap, Nienke Vos, Mariet Theune, Frédéric Ehrler, Nicolas Szilas, Pia Vandebergh, Razvan Craciunescu and Martijn Vastenburg (2021) Alzheimer Care Trainer: the design of a personalized simulation to practice daily care situations with people with Alzheimer’s disease. Supporting Health By Technology International Conference, June 11, 2021. [abstract]
Mariet Theune, Frédéric Ehrler, Nicolas Szilas, Henk Herman Nap, Pia Vandebergh, Razvan Craciunescu and Martijn Vastenburg (2020) Alzheimer Care Trainer: a personalized 60 simulation to practice daily care situations with people with Alzheimer’s disease. Supporting Health By Technology International Conference, June 6, 2020. [abstract]
Martijn H. Vastenburg, Robbert Vroegindeweij, Matty Cruysberg (2010) Connected Care: Supporting Caregivers through Awareness Displays. The Web and Beyond 2010, CHI Nederland. June 1st 2010, Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam. [VIMEO video]
David V. Keyson, Philip R. Ross, Martijn H. Vastenburg, Nicole M. de Koning (2004) Interface voor het onderhouden van man-machinecommunicatie. Dutch Patent (No. 1025661). [link]